GET v1/agentcache?agentID={agentID}&authToken={authToken}
Request Information
URI Parameters
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
agentID | string |
Required |
authToken | string |
Required |
Body Parameters
Response Information
Resource Description
AgentCacheModelName | Description | Type | Additional information |
ABN | string |
None. |
AcceptedPropertyBooks | boolean |
None. |
AccountName | string |
None. |
AddIREBDMPortalLeadsToAgent | globally unique identifier |
None. |
AddLinkIfNoUnsubText | boolean |
None. |
Address | string |
None. |
AgencyName | string |
None. |
AgentAppLastUsedDate | date |
None. |
AgentAppPhrase | string |
None. |
AgentID | globally unique identifier |
None. |
AgentIDList | AgentIDList |
None. |
AgentInfoEmail | string |
None. |
AgentList | Collection of AgentInfo |
None. |
AgentThemes | Collection of Object |
None. |
AgreementAccepted | boolean |
None. |
AllowDuplicateKeys | boolean |
None. |
AllowGoogleSignin | boolean |
None. |
AllProducts | Collection of ProductInfo |
None. |
AlphaTag | string |
None. |
AlternateAddressEnabled | boolean |
None. |
AlternativeFromEmailAddress | string |
None. |
ApplySettings | ApplyAgentSettingsCacheModel |
None. |
ATConnectionServiceStatusIDTriggers | Collection of integer |
None. |
ATSettings | AppTrackerSettingsBaseModel |
None. |
AuthIPAddresses | Collection of string |
None. |
AuthorizedProducts | Collection of ProductInfo |
None. |
AuthRegions | Collection of RegionCode |
None. |
BDMSettingsRental | BDMAgentSettingsModel |
None. |
BDMSettingsSale | BDMAgentSettingsModel |
None. |
BondServiceTriggerStatusID | integer |
None. |
CommsTrackerNewCount | integer |
None. |
CompareAndConnectEnabled | boolean |
None. |
ConnectionRequested | boolean |
None. |
ConnectionServiceAccessRole | UserRole |
None. |
ConnectionServiceInvoiceRole | UserRole |
None. |
Country | IreCountries |
None. |
DefaultAgentEmail | string |
None. |
DefaultApplyBeforeInsp | boolean |
None. |
DefaultConnectionServiceID | string |
None. |
DemoAccount | boolean |
None. |
DiakritPhrase | string |
None. |
Disable3FA | boolean |
None. |
DisabledProductPreviews | ProductFlags |
None. |
DisableIreLogin | boolean |
None. |
DisableRegisterPageGoogleAds | boolean |
None. |
DisableSMS | boolean |
None. |
DisableTenantAppMessage | boolean |
None. |
DistributorDetails | DistributorDetails |
None. |
EmailFromApprovedDomains | Collection of string |
None. |
EmailImage | boolean |
None. |
EmailLinkLargeAttachments | boolean |
None. |
EmailSendingDomain | string |
None. |
EmailWrapperTemplate | EmailWrapperTemplate |
None. |
EnableAgreement | boolean |
None. |
EnableAirtableFullIntegration | boolean |
None. |
EnableAllData | boolean |
None. |
EnableChildProperties | boolean |
None. |
EnableCreateNewListView | boolean |
None. |
EnableDiakrit | boolean |
None. |
EnableDigitalAuthEmails | boolean |
None. |
EnableDocumentMergingRentals | boolean |
None. |
EnableDocumentMergingSales | boolean |
None. |
EnableEarlyBird | boolean |
None. |
EnableEmailTrackingLinks | boolean |
None. |
EnableExport | boolean |
None. |
EnableIREPortal | boolean |
None. |
EnableLeasingOffice | boolean |
None. |
EnableMyProperty | boolean |
None. |
EnablePropertyBooks | boolean |
None. |
EnableProspectSharing | boolean |
None. |
EnableRentProjector | boolean |
None. |
EnableROLRentalsStarter | boolean |
None. |
EnableSAML | boolean |
None. |
EnableSmartRepliesRentals | boolean |
None. |
EnableSmartRepliesRentalsPreview | boolean |
None. |
EnableTenantAppSharing | boolean |
None. |
ExternalAccess | boolean |
None. |
Fax | string |
None. |
FranchiseID | integer |
None. |
GettingStartedProducts | Collection of ProductInfo |
None. |
HasLJHFeed | boolean |
None. |
ID | integer |
None. |
ImmediateParentAgentID | globally unique identifier |
None. |
IncludeUnlistedSalesKeys | boolean |
None. |
InspectionAlerts | Collection of InspectionAlertModel |
None. |
IRASoftware | string |
None. |
IsAdminCache | boolean |
None. |
IsEnabled | boolean |
None. |
IsNewUIDefault | boolean |
None. |
IsPrePaid | boolean |
None. |
IsSandboxAccount | boolean |
None. |
KTProOffice | boolean |
None. |
LegalName | string |
None. |
LiveDate | date |
None. |
LoginName | string |
None. |
LogoName | string |
None. |
LogoPath | string |
None. |
MMIVacatingTenant | boolean |
None. |
Mobile | string |
None. |
MoveMeInPopupEnabled | boolean |
None. |
NameExternal | string |
None. |
NameInternal | string |
None. |
NoCalendarAttachmentToAgent | boolean |
None. |
NoCalendarAttachmentToOccupier | boolean |
None. |
NoCalendarAttachmentToOwner | boolean |
None. |
NoCalendarAttachmentToProspect | boolean |
None. |
NonSliding2FAExpiry | integer |
None. |
OccupierDoNotSendBeforeRentalsDays | integer |
None. |
OccupierDoNotSendBeforeRentalsEnabled | boolean |
None. |
OccupierDoNotSendBeforeSalesDays | integer |
None. |
OccupierDoNotSendBeforeSalesEnabled | boolean |
None. |
OfficeRentalsCRM | ExternalSystem |
None. |
OfficeSalesCRM | ExternalSystem |
None. |
OldCabinetView | boolean |
None. |
OnlineCalendarsType | CalendarType |
None. |
ParentAgencyName | string |
None. |
ParentAgentID | globally unique identifier |
None. |
ParentUserName | string |
None. |
Phone | string |
None. |
PlaceAnywhere | boolean |
None. |
PMSoftware | string |
None. |
PostCode | string |
None. |
PPalButtonEnabled | boolean |
None. |
PreferredEmailSendingHost | EmailSendingHosts |
None. |
PriceMultiplier | decimal number |
None. |
PrivacyPolicy | string |
None. |
PropertyDisclosurePhrase | string |
None. |
ProspectAgentRentalsEnabled | boolean |
None. |
ProspectAgentSalesEnabled | boolean |
None. |
ProspectRules | Collection of ProspectRuleModel |
None. |
REAButtonAcceptedRentals | boolean |
None. |
REAButtonAcceptedSales | boolean |
None. |
REAButtonEnabled | boolean |
None. |
REAButtonEnabledRentals | boolean |
None. |
REAButtonEnabledSales | boolean |
None. |
REAButtonHideTimes | REABtnHideTimes |
None. |
REIForceStaging | boolean |
None. |
ReleaseAllData | boolean |
None. |
RentFrequency | RentFrequencyPeriod |
None. |
RentProjectorHideAlert | boolean |
None. |
RRTSettings | RRTAgentSettingsModel |
None. |
SafeMode | boolean |
None. |
ScraperPortalID | string |
None. |
ScraperType | ScraperType |
None. |
SelectedConnectionService | ConnectionServiceType |
None. |
SendEmailWithIRE | boolean |
None. |
SendToMMISetting | SendToMMISetting |
None. |
ShortAgentAppPhrase | string |
None. |
ShortNameExternal | string |
None. |
ShortPropertyDisclosurePhrase | string |
None. |
ShowEmail2FACode | boolean |
None. |
SignOnUrl | string |
None. |
SMSMaxSplit | integer |
None. |
SMSProviderID | integer |
None. |
SMSWindowEnd | time interval |
None. |
SMSWindowStart | time interval |
None. |
SocialHousingProvider | boolean |
None. |
SpamFilterSettings | Collection of Object |
None. |
SpamSettings | EmailSpamSettingModel |
None. |
State | string |
None. |
Street | string |
None. |
StreetNo | string |
None. |
Suburb | string |
None. |
SuperUserDetails | SuperUserDetails |
None. |
SurveyedUnderMgmtCount | integer |
None. |
TenantAppMessageFromAgent | boolean |
None. |
TestAccount | boolean |
None. |
TrackSalesProperties | boolean |
None. |
TransactSettings | TransactSettingsModel |
None. |
TZ | IDateTimeTZ |
None. |
Use2Apply | boolean |
None. |
UseAppChecker | boolean |
None. |
UseCommsTracker | boolean |
None. |
UseDomainEnquiryApi | boolean |
None. |
UseKeyWhere | boolean |
None. |
UseMyDesktop | boolean |
None. |
UseOnlineCalendars | boolean |
None. |
UseRegisterSales | boolean |
None. |
UsesReaEnquiryApi | boolean |
None. |
UsesZangoEnquiryApi | boolean |
None. |
UsesHomelyEnquiryApi | boolean |
None. |
UseTransact | boolean |
None. |
HasRentalsTrust | boolean |
None. |
HasSalesTrust | boolean |
None. |
UsesRentalsTrustOnly | boolean |
None. |
UsesSalesTrustOnly | boolean |
None. |
UseUtopia | boolean |
None. |
VicWaterEnabled | boolean |
None. |
WarnIfNoUnsubText | boolean |
None. |
WarnIfSendingToUnsubbed | boolean |
None. |
Website | string |
None. |
WrapEmailsRentals | boolean |
None. |
WrapEmailsSales | boolean |
None. |
XMLImportStaffList | Collection of integer |
None. |
XMLPropertyTypes | Collection of XMLPropertyType |
None. |
IreWebPreferences | IreWebPreferencesModel |
None. |
DisableGuidedTours | boolean |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "ABN": "sample string 1", "AcceptedPropertyBooks": true, "AccountName": "sample string 3", "AddIREBDMPortalLeadsToAgent": "ef2e3887-4996-49e4-a036-b680eb1fc5e8", "AddLinkIfNoUnsubText": true, "Address": null, "AgencyName": "sample string 6", "AgentAppLastUsedDate": "2024-12-16T12:48:24.8363121+00:00", "AgentAppPhrase": "sample string 8", "AgentID": "7ad86855-02d7-41b0-8a6c-cb17eeffe509", "AgentIDList": { "ID": 1, "AgentID": "187dcf05-8df2-4a7b-b668-6be354a4d399", "AgentName": "sample string 3", "AllAgents": null, "ChildAgents": null, "AllDescendentAgents": null, "HasChildren": true, "HasParent": true, "ListUserNamesChildren": null, "ParentAgentID": "aa42c22a-8b15-4b9c-a408-e968a685b530", "Trades": true }, "AgentInfoEmail": "sample string 10", "AgentList": null, "AgentThemes": null, "AgreementAccepted": true, "AllowDuplicateKeys": true, "AllowGoogleSignin": true, "AllProducts": null, "AlphaTag": "sample string 14", "AlternateAddressEnabled": true, "AlternativeFromEmailAddress": "sample string 16", "ApplySettings": null, "ATConnectionServiceStatusIDTriggers": [ 1, 2 ], "ATSettings": { "ID": 1, "AgentID": "8eccae16-7879-43a9-b477-f3477bca958d", "AcceptableIncomeRatio": 3, "AllowPublicReference": true, "AppIDPrefix": "sample string 5", "ApplyBeforeInspectionSetting": 0, "ApplyWithTA": true, "AssignedStaffDefault": 7, "BondServiceUserName": "sample string 8", "CallOnlyAvailable": true, "ConnectionServiceLeaseStartDateRequired": 10, "DisableBondLoans": true, "DisableQikio": true, "EnableAdvanceRent": true, "EnableApplyPDFEvent": true, "EnableEquifaxNTD": true, "EnableDatabaseChecks": true, "EnableInformationRequest": true, "LeaseStartDateRequired": true, "MMIAppToken": "sample string 19", "MMIVacatingTenant": true, "OverrideWithTAApplyLink": true, "OwnerSearchPortal": "sample string 22", "ReferenceExpiryInMonths": 23, "RentParserImportApps": true, "RequiredDocumentsScore": 25, "SelectedConnectionService": 0, "UseNewAppPage": true, "UseBondService": true, "UseIREAppFlow": true, "UseNetCalculation": true, "VicWater": true, "TRAImportApps": true }, "AuthIPAddresses": [ "sample string 1", "sample string 2" ], "AuthorizedProducts": null, "AuthRegions": [ 0, 0 ], "BDMSettingsRental": { "AgentID": "9a54e7f5-3a4c-4ac7-b5d9-fa3d4caa69d7", "LeadIDPrefix": "sample string 2", "DefaultFollowUpDatePortal": 3, "DefaultFollowUpDateWebsite": 4, "DefaultFollowUpDateManual": 5, "DefaultFollowUpDateAppTracker": 6, "ColorBarBackground": "sample string 7", "ColorBarColor": "sample string 8", "FontColor": "sample string 9", "LogoBackgroundColor": "sample string 10", "FavIconLink": "sample string 11", "FinancialYearStart": 0, "ShareSources": true, "ShareReferrers": true, "NewslettersEnabled": true, "StatusMessageDelay": 15, "AppTrackerMessageDelay": 16, "ShareStaff": true, "AllowOfficeAssign": true, "LeadSourceRequired": true, "FilterReferrers": true, "WebbooksKey": "sample string 21", "IsPremium": true, "AgentProfile": "sample string 22", "HideVLStats": true, "CustomListingsLink": "sample string 24", "WebbooksDateRange": 0, "FacebookPixelID": "sample string 25", "TargetsBy": 0, "ShowGettingStarted": true, "RequireContactPermissions": true, "ContactPermissionRequiredForSaving": true, "AssignUserAsBDM": true, "DefaultPropertyCategory": 0, "GetLeadsFromOffList": true, "EnableLeasingOffice": true, "VCardInAllTemplatesToBDM": true, "VCardInTemplatesToBDM": [ 1, 2 ], "LeadsUploadFileName": "sample string 33", "AppraisalReminderDelay": 34, "ShareDesignedEmailTemplates": true, "FollowUpCurrentOnly": true, "LeasedStatusChangeFromOffVL": true, "MessageSendFromOffVL": true, "PaysConfirmationTrigger": 0, "TriggerAppTrackerLead": true, "AppTrackerLeadSourceID": 40, "AppTrackerLeadStatusID": 41, "ShowLinkedLeadNote": true, "ShowLinkedLeadHistory": true, "IncludeLettingFee": true, "RequireLeadFinancialDetails": true, "WebbooksTemplateID": 46, "LeadType": 0, "EnablePlannedCallSessions": true, "ConvertToTransactFee": 0, "FlagProspectMatch": true, "TransferInsurerDetails": true, "REIDefaultManagementFormID": 0 }, "BDMSettingsSale": { "AgentID": "9a54e7f5-3a4c-4ac7-b5d9-fa3d4caa69d7", "LeadIDPrefix": "sample string 2", "DefaultFollowUpDatePortal": 3, "DefaultFollowUpDateWebsite": 4, "DefaultFollowUpDateManual": 5, "DefaultFollowUpDateAppTracker": 6, "ColorBarBackground": "sample string 7", "ColorBarColor": "sample string 8", "FontColor": "sample string 9", "LogoBackgroundColor": "sample string 10", "FavIconLink": "sample string 11", "FinancialYearStart": 0, "ShareSources": true, "ShareReferrers": true, "NewslettersEnabled": true, "StatusMessageDelay": 15, "AppTrackerMessageDelay": 16, "ShareStaff": true, "AllowOfficeAssign": true, "LeadSourceRequired": true, "FilterReferrers": true, "WebbooksKey": "sample string 21", "IsPremium": true, "AgentProfile": "sample string 22", "HideVLStats": true, "CustomListingsLink": "sample string 24", "WebbooksDateRange": 0, "FacebookPixelID": "sample string 25", "TargetsBy": 0, "ShowGettingStarted": true, "RequireContactPermissions": true, "ContactPermissionRequiredForSaving": true, "AssignUserAsBDM": true, "DefaultPropertyCategory": 0, "GetLeadsFromOffList": true, "EnableLeasingOffice": true, "VCardInAllTemplatesToBDM": true, "VCardInTemplatesToBDM": [ 1, 2 ], "LeadsUploadFileName": "sample string 33", "AppraisalReminderDelay": 34, "ShareDesignedEmailTemplates": true, "FollowUpCurrentOnly": true, "LeasedStatusChangeFromOffVL": true, "MessageSendFromOffVL": true, "PaysConfirmationTrigger": 0, "TriggerAppTrackerLead": true, "AppTrackerLeadSourceID": 40, "AppTrackerLeadStatusID": 41, "ShowLinkedLeadNote": true, "ShowLinkedLeadHistory": true, "IncludeLettingFee": true, "RequireLeadFinancialDetails": true, "WebbooksTemplateID": 46, "LeadType": 0, "EnablePlannedCallSessions": true, "ConvertToTransactFee": 0, "FlagProspectMatch": true, "TransferInsurerDetails": true, "REIDefaultManagementFormID": 0 }, "BondServiceTriggerStatusID": 17, "CommsTrackerNewCount": 18, "CompareAndConnectEnabled": false, "ConnectionRequested": true, "ConnectionServiceAccessRole": 0, "ConnectionServiceInvoiceRole": 0, "Country": 0, "DefaultAgentEmail": "sample string 20", "DefaultApplyBeforeInsp": false, "DefaultConnectionServiceID": "sample string 21", "DemoAccount": true, "DiakritPhrase": "sample string 23", "Disable3FA": true, "DisabledProductPreviews": 0, "DisableIreLogin": true, "DisableRegisterPageGoogleAds": true, "DisableSMS": true, "DisableTenantAppMessage": true, "DistributorDetails": { "<ID>k__BackingField": 1, "<Name>k__BackingField": "sample string 2", "<LoginName>k__BackingField": "sample string 3", "<MainContact>k__BackingField": "sample string 4", "<Email>k__BackingField": "sample string 5", "<Mobile>k__BackingField": "sample string 6", "<SupportContact>k__BackingField": "sample string 7", "<SupportEmail>k__BackingField": "sample string 8", "<SupportPhone>k__BackingField": "sample string 9" }, "EmailFromApprovedDomains": [ "sample string 1", "sample string 2" ], "EmailImage": true, "EmailLinkLargeAttachments": true, "EmailSendingDomain": "sample string 30", "EmailWrapperTemplate": 0, "EnableAgreement": true, "EnableAirtableFullIntegration": true, "EnableAllData": true, "EnableChildProperties": true, "EnableCreateNewListView": true, "EnableDiakrit": true, "EnableDigitalAuthEmails": true, "EnableDocumentMergingRentals": true, "EnableDocumentMergingSales": true, "EnableEarlyBird": true, "EnableEmailTrackingLinks": true, "EnableExport": true, "EnableIREPortal": true, "EnableLeasingOffice": false, "EnableMyProperty": true, "EnablePropertyBooks": true, "EnableProspectSharing": true, "EnableRentProjector": true, "EnableROLRentalsStarter": true, "EnableSAML": true, "EnableSmartRepliesRentals": true, "EnableSmartRepliesRentalsPreview": true, "EnableTenantAppSharing": true, "ExternalAccess": true, "Fax": "sample string 53", "FranchiseID": 54, "GettingStartedProducts": [ { "<Product>k__BackingField": 0, "<SortOrder>k__BackingField": 1, "<Name>k__BackingField": "sample string 2", "<HomePage>k__BackingField": "sample string 3", "<HomePageOneSystem>k__BackingField": "sample string 4", "<StartDate>k__BackingField": "2024-12-16T12:48:24.8363121+00:00", "<SummaryAccess>k__BackingField": true, "<LoginAccess>k__BackingField": 7, "<PreviewPage>k__BackingField": null, "<GettingStartedPage>k__BackingField": null }, { "<Product>k__BackingField": 0, "<SortOrder>k__BackingField": 1, "<Name>k__BackingField": "sample string 2", "<HomePage>k__BackingField": "sample string 3", "<HomePageOneSystem>k__BackingField": "sample string 4", "<StartDate>k__BackingField": "2024-12-16T12:48:24.8363121+00:00", "<SummaryAccess>k__BackingField": true, "<LoginAccess>k__BackingField": 7, "<PreviewPage>k__BackingField": null, "<GettingStartedPage>k__BackingField": null } ], "HasLJHFeed": true, "ID": 56, "ImmediateParentAgentID": "49bf45e4-547a-477b-9316-70d2bad5e2ec", "IncludeUnlistedSalesKeys": true, "InspectionAlerts": null, "IRASoftware": "sample string 59", "IsAdminCache": false, "IsEnabled": true, "IsNewUIDefault": true, "IsPrePaid": true, "IsSandboxAccount": false, "KTProOffice": true, "LegalName": "sample string 64", "LiveDate": "2024-12-16T12:48:24.8363121+00:00", "LoginName": "sample string 66", "LogoName": "sample string 67", "LogoPath": null, "MMIVacatingTenant": true, "Mobile": "sample string 69", "MoveMeInPopupEnabled": true, "NameExternal": "sample string 71", "NameInternal": "sample string 72", "NoCalendarAttachmentToAgent": true, "NoCalendarAttachmentToOccupier": true, "NoCalendarAttachmentToOwner": true, "NoCalendarAttachmentToProspect": true, "NonSliding2FAExpiry": 77, "OccupierDoNotSendBeforeRentalsDays": 78, "OccupierDoNotSendBeforeRentalsEnabled": true, "OccupierDoNotSendBeforeSalesDays": 80, "OccupierDoNotSendBeforeSalesEnabled": true, "OfficeRentalsCRM": 0, "OfficeSalesCRM": 0, "OldCabinetView": true, "OnlineCalendarsType": 0, "ParentAgencyName": "sample string 83", "ParentAgentID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "ParentUserName": "sample string 84", "Phone": "sample string 85", "PlaceAnywhere": true, "PMSoftware": "sample string 87", "PostCode": "sample string 88", "PPalButtonEnabled": true, "PreferredEmailSendingHost": 0, "PriceMultiplier": 0.0, "PrivacyPolicy": "sample string 90", "PropertyDisclosurePhrase": "sample string 91", "ProspectAgentRentalsEnabled": true, "ProspectAgentSalesEnabled": true, "ProspectRules": null, "REAButtonAcceptedRentals": true, "REAButtonAcceptedSales": true, "REAButtonEnabled": true, "REAButtonEnabledRentals": true, "REAButtonEnabledSales": true, "REAButtonHideTimes": 1, "REIForceStaging": false, "ReleaseAllData": true, "RentFrequency": 0, "RentProjectorHideAlert": true, "RRTSettings": { "ID": 1, "AgentID": "bb015221-3390-478c-afc2-3500081875bf", "UsesFranchiseModel": true }, "SafeMode": true, "ScraperPortalID": "sample string 102", "ScraperType": 0, "SelectedConnectionService": 0, "SendEmailWithIRE": true, "SendToMMISetting": 0, "ShortAgentAppPhrase": "sample string 104", "ShortNameExternal": "sample string 105", "ShortPropertyDisclosurePhrase": "sample string 106", "ShowEmail2FACode": true, "SignOnUrl": "sample string 108", "SMSMaxSplit": 109, "SMSProviderID": 110, "SMSWindowEnd": "00:00:00.1234567", "SMSWindowStart": "00:00:00.1234567", "SocialHousingProvider": true, "SpamFilterSettings": null, "SpamSettings": { "ID": 1, "AgentID": "6d8a865c-f335-4f29-a2bb-1d900d07dad1", "From": "sample string 3", "Subject": "sample string 4", "Body": "sample string 5", "StaffIDOffice": 6, "SendToOffice": "sample string 7", "StaffIDGeneral": 8, "SendToGeneral": "sample string 9", "Enabled": false }, "State": "sample string 114", "Street": "sample string 115", "StreetNo": "sample string 116", "Suburb": "sample string 117", "SuperUserDetails": { "<SuperUserName>k__BackingField": "sample string 1", "<SuperUserEmail>k__BackingField": "sample string 2", "<SuperUserMobile>k__BackingField": "sample string 3", "<SuperUserPosition>k__BackingField": 4 }, "SurveyedUnderMgmtCount": 118, "TenantAppMessageFromAgent": true, "TestAccount": true, "TrackSalesProperties": true, "TransactSettings": { "ID": 1, "AgentID": "bb67acb4-987f-42d9-96f8-11fab44b8437", "UseTrustAccount": true, "TrustAccountBankDetailsID": 4, "SalesTrustAccountBankDetailsID": 5, "GeneralAccountBankDetailsID": 6, "SalesGeneralAccountBankDetailsID": 7, "PayInvoicesOrder": 0, "AutoRetryAfterDays": 8, "DDUserID": "sample string 9", "DEUserID": "sample string 10", "AccountsBankFileEmail": "sample string 11", "OfficerInEffectiveControl": "sample string 12", "TrustFileGenerationTimeUTC": "2024-12-16T12:48:24.8363121+00:00", "ShowTrustlessSettings": true, "AgentDDRFormURL": "sample string 15", "BPAYBatchPayerID": "sample string 16", "DisbursementDescription": "sample string 17", "SalesReceiptDisclaimer": "sample string 18", "RealEstateLicenceHolder": "sample string 19", "RealEstateLicenceNumber": "sample string 20", "FullLegalName": "sample string 21", "ABAAgencyName": "sample string 22", "ArrearsUnit": 0, "ShownArrearsType": 0, "UsedArrearsType": 0, "CurrentArrearsDays": 23, "ProcessFirstRentOn": 0, "AutoCreateBondInvoice": true, "DefaultTenancyPaymentType": 0, "AdvertisingFeeOn": 0, "ShowWithholdReason": true, "DirectDebitProvider": 0, "ShowActualPaidToDate": true, "ShowActualRentCredit": true, "ShowEffectivePaidToDate": true, "ShowEffectiveRentCredit": true, "DuplicateInvoiceMonths": 30, "DuplicateInvoiceIgnoreNumber": true, "DirectDebitClearingPeriod": 1, "ShowPaymentDetailsOnInvoice": true, "ShowInvoiceMergePhrase": true, "InvoiceMergePhrase": "sample string 34", "AutoProcessBankFiles": true, "AutoProcessChequePayments": true, "AutoProcessDepositFiles": true, "GenerateCheque": true, "AutoApproveBondInvoice": true, "AutoApproveCommercialBond": true, "UseFullBalanceForEffectivePaidToDate": true, "UsePlainTextSalesReceipts": true, "UsePlainTextSalesStatement": true, "DefaultRentalsStatementTypeEnum": 0, "ShowRentShortfallWithArrears": true, "UseMostOverdueInvoiceNotification": true, "TenantInvoiceDefaultDueDays": 46, "AgencyRegisteredForGST": true, "UseWithheldFundsForOutstandingCharges": true, "BPAYBatchTypeEnum": 0, "ReportSettings": { "GroupAgencyRemittanceReportBy": 0 }, "DisbursementScheduleEnum": 0, "StatementScheduleEnum": 0, "SendNoficationsOnWeekdays": true, "EOFYIncludeAllInvoices": true, "UseNewTransactionFileImport": true, "UseManagementStartAndEnd": true, "UseRentCreditMultiAllocation": true, "ConsolidateGroupOwnershipTransfers": true, "AllowPayableByOtherInvoices": true, "ApproveTenantRejectionFees": true, "AllowEftposFeeTXNImporter": true, "UseWBCEftposPayWay": true, "LockGeneralSettings": true, "IncludeTenantLedgerArrears": true, "HasRentalsTrust": false, "HasSalesTrust": false, "UsesRentalsTrustOnly": false, "UsesSalesTrustOnly": false, "SameTrustAccountBankDetailsID": false, "TransactionPriorities": [ 1, 1 ], "OutstandingChargePriority": [ 0, 0 ], "NonMaintenanceInvoiceTypes": [ 0, 0 ] }, "TZ": null, "Use2Apply": true, "UseAppChecker": true, "UseCommsTracker": false, "UseDomainEnquiryApi": true, "UseKeyWhere": true, "UseMyDesktop": true, "UseOnlineCalendars": false, "UseRegisterSales": true, "UsesReaEnquiryApi": true, "UsesZangoEnquiryApi": true, "UsesHomelyEnquiryApi": true, "UseTransact": false, "HasRentalsTrust": true, "HasSalesTrust": true, "UsesRentalsTrustOnly": false, "UsesSalesTrustOnly": false, "UseUtopia": true, "VicWaterEnabled": true, "WarnIfNoUnsubText": true, "WarnIfSendingToUnsubbed": true, "Website": "sample string 137", "WrapEmailsRentals": true, "WrapEmailsSales": true, "XMLImportStaffList": [ 1, 2 ], "XMLPropertyTypes": [ 0, 0 ], "IreWebPreferences": { "g": [ 1, 2 ], "p": [ 1, 2 ] }, "DisableGuidedTours": true }
Sample not available.
Sample not available.
Sample not available.